Reduce your biological age by eight years as scientists recommend the best exercise to do three times a week

Reduce your biological age by eight years as scientists recommend the best exercise to do three times a week

LIFTING weights can make your body years younger, says a new study. US scientists found that three one-hour strength training sessions a week could shave up to eight years off your biological age. 1 Weightlifting could take eight years off your bodyCredit: Getty – Contributor Chronological age is simply how long you’ve been alive, while…

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Can HIIT benefits last? insights for diabetes management

Can HIIT benefits last? insights for diabetes management

Study reveals how metabolic benefits of high-intensity interval training differ after detraining in individuals with and without type 2 diabetes, shedding light on its long-term impacts. Study: The role of exosomes for sustained specific cardiorespiratory and metabolic improvements in males with type 2 diabetes after detraining. Image Credit: antoniodiaz / In a recent study published…

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I've been increasing my lower-body mobility and speeding up exercise recovery — here’s how I do it in just 5 minutes

I’ve been increasing my lower-body mobility and speeding up exercise recovery — here’s how I do it in just 5 minutes

I often experience tightness in my lower body, particularly in my hip flexors, which can stem from several factors: spending too much time sitting at my desk, engaging in repetitive high-impact activities like running, or simply carrying stress and tension throughout the week. The one thing these factors all have in common is that they…

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Do you find squats uncomfortable? I've ditched stretches for duck walks to build lower-body mobility, strength and stability

Do you find squats uncomfortable? I’ve ditched stretches for duck walks to build lower-body mobility, strength and stability

Squats are one of the most effective compound exercises you can do to build lower-body strength and muscle. For many, limited mobility can negatively impact mechanics, as well as how well the strength exercise can be performed. If your form is off or you’re limited by mechanics, you may not achieve adequate squat depth (we…

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"This one exercise will make the next 30 years of your life better than you think it could be"—an expert trainer on the best move for longevity

“This one exercise will make the next 30 years of your life better than you think it could be”—an expert trainer on the best move for longevity

Sitting dominates my day—I sit at work, during my commute and in the evenings watching TV. Unfortunately, all that sitting isn’t doing my body any favours. “Your body is an incredibly adaptive machine,” says Steve Stonehouse, an expert trainer with 25 years of experience. “If it feels like, ‘Hey, I’m gonna be seated for a…

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If you want to get physically fit but always feel tired, say goodbye to these 8 behaviors

If you want to get physically fit but always feel tired, say goodbye to these 8 behaviors

Feeling too tired to prioritize fitness is a common struggle, but the cycle of fatigue and inactivity often starts with daily habits. Breaking free and building energy for physical fitness requires identifying and letting go of behaviors that drain you. From poor sleep routines to overloading on stress, here are eight behaviors to leave behind…

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